I’ve realised something about myself recently. I always seem to be in a rush.
I put these self-imposed time limits on myself.
I’ve particularly noticed it happening in the mornings. I take it slow to start, ease myself into some Headspace meditation, then some yoga. I breathe, I’m slow, I’m basically waking up.
Then – action stations! The next few minutes are a blur of kettle on, shower, tea, dress, make-up, breakfast. I rush through it. Eating my breakfast I try to slow down and take my time – I hate rushing while eating.
But I realise I’ve got into the habit of rushing unnecessarily.
Now, I know mornings are a rush for most people. Busy people with jobs to get to, kids to get ready for school, commutes to make. Trying to get as much sleep as possible is the priority, so we get up the very latest we can and then rush through getting out the door.
But, a few years back I deliberately designed my morning to not be a massive rush. I made the decision to get up earlier, just so that I didn’t have to rush, and could have an enjoyable read while eating my breakfast.
But slowly the habit has crept back.
And it’s not just the early mornings. When I leave the house I then rush to my co-working space (I do enjoy the 30 minute walk, but it’s at a good clip). I burst into the cowork space, head down, no time for chit chat. I need to get my laptop on, pronto. It’s a vaguely stressful start to the day to be honest.
No ambling in for me, making a tea, having a chat. Taking my time to sort out my stuff and sit down.
This needs to change. I’m causing myself unnecessary stress.
At the weekends too – I sometimes wake up anxious. All I want is a slow, leisurely morning, reading in bed while eating breakfast and drinking tea. But I have a constant checklist of things to do, reply to that friend’s message, make a plan for later tonight, do the food shop, clean the flat, wash my hair…
I compress time in my head, I need to do everything, NOW! No matter that this is kinda typical at the weekend, I always have this stuff to do, and I get it done. It shouldn’t be a big deal. But somehow I’ve learned to make it stressful.
So, now it’s time to break the old habits and make some new ones. Here’s my plan:
- The only time I’m allowed to rush is when I’m actually running late, when I have 5 minutes in which to leave the house or I’ll be late. Anything other than that, and I need to chill out.
- I need to forcibly slow down when I feel like I’m rushing, and breathe. Do what I need to do calmly and slowly.
- Finally my plan is to leave for work 10 minutes earlier, to give myself time at the other end.
How about you? Are you a rusher? Are you feeling stressed? Or are you pretty zen in your day to day?
If you’d like to download my morning routines guide, do so here: 3 easy steps to a morning routine you love!
And if you’d to sign up for a life coaching session with me, sign up here on LinkedIn. Or email me at joaopoku@gmail.com.
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